The students of Runcorn Heights State School come from many diverse backgrounds. Approximately 60 different countries and 40 languages or dialects other than English, are represented by the students. This equates to 55% of the student population coming from non-English speaking backgrounds.
We are The United Nations of Runcorn Heights!
Students identified as EAL/D learners who require additional literacy support or differentiation are identified by classroom teachers and the EAL/D teachers. EAL/D teachers work with classroom teachers to identify learning needs of EAL/D learners and teach all students to maximise their learning potential.
To further meet the needs of our EAL/D learners, we provide additional literacy support through a number of English Star Learner (ESL) programs. These programs are provided to small groups of students in the EAL/D room.
New Arrivals Program : focuses on providing English language teaching in reading, writing, listening and speaking for students who are new to Australia.
Intensive English Support Program: focuses on consolidating student’s English reading, writing, listening and speaking abilities.
Class English Support Program: focuses on providing additional support through differentiation of the English Curriculum.
Oral Language Programs: improve English speaking and listening skills through the use of a variety of games and activities.
EAL/D teachers and teacher-aides administer these programs to support students in accessing the curriculum while their English language skills develop.
Runcorn Heights State School is very proud and welcoming of our English Star Learners and their families. The diversity and cultural experiences the students and their families provide, enrich our school for everyone!