
COVID-19 update


I would like to acknowledge the continued efforts of all school staff and community members over the past week. It has been a very long week for many of us as we worked towards learning at home in such a short time frame.

We significantly valued your efforts as parents as you moved with us into a learning at home space. You have remained patient as we rolled out the learning gradually, provided iPads for students who required this support at home and kept your children at home as per the criteria. This has enabled us to provide a safer place for students who are attending school and to minimise the number of staff onsite.

As for next week, we are awaiting an update from the Chief Health Officer in regards to the arrangements. At this stage we are continuing to work on preparations for home learning as well as a return to school, which is quite a juggling act for everyone.

We will not be sending home a school newsletter this week due to the uncertainty around next week’s program but will continue to keep in touch via emails. Teachers will also continue to communicate with you online next week and staff will be available at school for ‘trouble shooting’. If we return to school we will provide you with an outline of events that will be in place for the week, postponed or cancelled.

Hoping you have a relaxing weekend, even though in ‘lockdown’, and continue to stay safe!

Kind regards

Janine Leach

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Last reviewed 06 August 2021
Last updated 06 August 2021